Excellence in Red Sea real Estate

Why Choose Trulia.eg?

With years of experience in the real estate market, our team has the knowledge and expertise to guide you through every step of the buying process.

We understand that every client is unique, and we tailor our services to match your individual preferences and requirements.

Years of Experience
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Happy Clients
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Personalized real estate to match your unique needs and preferences.

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Deep insights and extensive knowledge of the Red Sea property market.

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Dedicated assistance and guidance throughout your real estate journey.


Cutting-edge techniques to maximize your property’s visibility and appeal.

Our dedication to client satisfaction and our passion for the Red Sea region make us the ideal partner for all your real estate needs in Somabay and Sahl Hasheesh.

Soma Bay

Where Serenity Meets Adventure

Sahl Hasheesh invites you to indulge in a world of luxury and natural beauty, perfect for your ultimate getaway.

Escape to Soma Bay, a paradise where tranquil beaches and thrilling water sports create unforgettable memories.

Sahl Hasheesh

Your Gateway to a Luxurious Escape

Our Commitment

At Trulia.eg we are committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of our service. From the initial consultation to the final transaction, we strive to make your real estate journey as smooth and rewarding as possible.